Friday, February 19, 2010

Is it springtime yet?

Well, it's finally here. The 40-day journey known as Lent. And this year, as in the previous two, I have decided to give up meat (mostly to aid my husband, who has also given it up.) As a reformed vegan, I have no trouble whatsoever going without animal products of any sort, so I felt a little guilty about how easy this was going to be for me. In my search for something of real "value" to let go of for the next month and a half, I came across an article about a musician I am really into, in which they say that they don't own a TV. Something about that really made me respect them, and others who choose not to have these brain-sucking devices in their homes. And though this may be a little-known fact to anyone who reads this blog, I actually really enjoy writing music, lyrics, just songs in general. And I really enjoy playing my instruments, singing (in the shower, in the car, to no music at all, pretty much just love to sing all the time.) It's really no wonder that I majored in music in college, I'm pretty good at it (hmm does that sound too proud?) Anyway, I digress... So I got to thinking, I spend way too much time watching TV and movies. I'll come home from work looking forward to lounging on the couch with a diet coke and the remote. And I was totally letting all of my creativity go to waste. So this year, I have decided not only to give up TV for lent, and to devote the time instead to writing at least one new song per week and also practice my instruments (except piano, as sadly I do not have one), but I might just get rid of my TV. (My husband was not too incredibly excited about this!) I know that we are only three days into Lent, but already I don't miss the thing at all. In fact, I come into my living room, see it, and contemplate taking it out to the curb right then and there. I also plan to devote some of this newfound free time to trying out/ writing new recipes. So that is where you, the reader, benefits. Prepare to be recipe-d to death!

The other day, I was flipping through an old issue of Ready Made magazine, and came across a recipe for pickling, of all things, strawberries. It sounded interesting, and like something I'd never tried before. So I tried it. They. Are. Delicious. I won't post the recipe here, it isn't my own, but you can find it on their website

I haven't made any particularly interesting foods lately, but I promise that as soon as I do, you'll know about it. I'll try to be a more regular poster.

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